
Sunday 24 February 2013

A guide for litigants in person in the Court of Protection (and some news)

Those fantastic folk at 39 Essex Street have done it again.  Court of Protection barrister Victoria Butler-Cole has produced a guide to the Court of Protection for litigants in person (or self-represented litigants, or, in plain English, folk without a lawyer).  You can find it at their Court Guides blog.  I had a look through, and it looks brilliant - really clear, simple language, but covers the questions you won't find answered anywhere else online.  It also includes links to further resources (like their online case law index).  If you have any suggestions for questions you'd like to see answered in the guide, I'm sure they'd be more than happy to consider it for later revisions.  Spread the word!

And, in other news, I'm scribbling this post whilst waiting for a flight to Ireland... where I am about to take up a six month postdoctoral position with the fantastic Centre for Disability Law and Policy at NUI Galway.  The CDLP is, of course, the home to many fantastic researchers and campaigners on legal capacity, mental health law and disability rights issues, and I am really looking forward to being a part of that team and learning from them.  I will be working on projects relating to legal capacity and access to justice, amongst other things, so watch this space for many more posts on Article 12.

Oops, there's the call for my flight!

Ps. If you're trying to get hold of me, my Exeter email should continue to work for the next few months, but you might get a nasty shock when you check your bill if you phone my mobile.


  1. Lucy,

    You are a Diamond.

    Good Luck!

  2. Congratulations, Lucy, very well deserved.

    I'm sure I'm not alone in hoping that you will be keeping this blog going as your career develops.

    Best regards
    Julie CF

  3. Thank you both - Galway is lovely, it's been hard to find time to even answer emails this week, but hopefully there'll be some time for blogging...
