
Friday 9 November 2012

The Great Escape (a schematic)

Greetings from deepest, darkest, thesis land.  I am in the thick of "writing up", and barely have time to get dressed let alone write a blog post.  But here is small offering in lieu of a proper post - an attempt to schematise how you might try to get out of detention using Schedule A1 of the Mental Capacity Act, otherwise known as the dreaded DOLS (Deprivation of Liberty Safeguards).  It includes a few other regulations and bits and bobs that tie up some (but not all) of the loose ends in the Great Escape.  Obviously my reasons for posting it here are entirely selfish - this figure (or a jiggled around version of it) will be going in the thesis as an appendix, so if you spot any mistakes please let me know!  You can download the pdf from here.

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